"The Inward Voyage is the rediscovering and reclaiming of our essential nature that was once lost through circumstances beyond our control." - Danny Smith
The hero/heroines journey is a journey of great trivials and difficulties. The adventurer leaves their home of comfort and safety to go on an unknown exploration with the task of finding/retrieving something precious and or miraculous. During this period the hero is confronted with monsters of various kinds endangering the hero's survival and threatening their chances of retrieving this precious goal. The hero overcomes these challenges and returns home a stronger more complete being.
The Inward Voyage that we take during psychotherapy/counselling is just this journey. We leave the familiar place of habits and mindsets that although keep us in the comfort zone, are ultimately very limiting. We journey through lands some familiar and others never seen or felt before. Within this inner land are both light and dark forces as we face ambivalence and insecurity about stepping into a more authentic brave version of ourselves. Therapy gives us the capacity and opportunity to claim back our essential nature, that part of us that feels truly ourselves, that pure expressive essence that often feels like a nostalgic experience from a distant childhood. This is what the hero discovers on the journey, the artefact that was sought outside is found to be a part of ourselves hiding in plain sight all along. We just need a compass to navigate the inner terrain and to find it.
We can often find ourselves stuck on a repetitive path, lacking meaning and purpose. It feels like we are stuck on loop with no will to break free. The materialist culture teaches us that through acquiring prestigious objects we can acquire satisfaction and a fulfilling life. Although this may temporarily plug a hole, the anxiety and pressure we hold will eventually force this out. The force driving this pressure is our evolutionary potential, our transpersonal, or 'higher' self. This pushes us to turn inwards to find meaning and purpose through existential questions and it is only through this turning inwards that we can find the answers. This is why we need to embark on The Inward Voyage.
In my late teens, I went through an existential crisis. This crisis caused me to question reality, society, and the meaning and purpose of life. The way I once viewed the world had collapsed leaving me confused and depressed, often riddled with psychosomatic symptoms such as brain fog and chronic fatigue. The job I was in was unfulfilling and lacked general direction. I was in need of a rebirth.
This is when I came across various spiritual traditions both old and new age but it is primarily Buddhism and the Advaita traditions that grasped my interest, to which I engaged on a journey of self-realisation. This lead me to explore other avenues such as the shamanic traditions in Amazonian Peru where I participated traditional ayahuasca ceremonies exploring areas of my unconscious. As I began to heal a desire to be of service to others grew. This is why currently I am a trainee in both Psychosynthesis psychotherapy and holotropic-breathwork.
I am currently in my fourth year of training under the support of Joan and Roger Evans at the Psychosynthesis Institute based in Middlesex University. I have a MASTERS DEGREE in PSYCHOSYNTHESIS PSYCHOLOGY and I am currently working towards UKCP qualification. I also have also completed my PSYCHOSYNTHESIS LEADERSHIP COACHING training. My mindfulness and meditation practice as well as my knowledge in psychosynthesis and holotropic breathwork give me a patient and empathic approach with a natural curiosity to get to know you and help you heal and grow.